About this item
- COZY BENCHES WITH STURDY FRAME: This kitchen table set is made of premium MDF board and solid steel, which features a sturdy frame for a long lifespan. The use of metal pipes with a larger diameter makes the dining bench more stable and comfortable than other products. The Upgraded Dining Bench seats are padded with thick cushions, keeping you comfortable all dining time. More comfortable than a traditional wooden Bench.
- PREMIUM & STURDY CONSTRUCTION: This rustic kitchen table set with a metal frame, which offers a longer service life and more excellent stability. With the premium thickening MDF Board top, the overall durability would be significantly increased.
- EASY TO MAINTAIN: The surface of the dining table set is a waterproof and anti-corrosive coating, you can easily wipe soup, sauce, and dust clean, and the surface will not be hurt, and is sturdy for long-term use.
- SPACE-SAVING DESIGN: 2 kitchen benches can be hidden under the kitchen table to save space and create a tidy atmosphere. It is an excellent solution for small spaces, such as condos, kitchens, studios, or apartments.
- EASY TO ASSEMBLE: All the assembly hardware and tools come with this dining table set. With illustrated instructions, this table with bench dining set can be assembled within 40 min without effort. Dimensions: Table Size 44.4″ L*27.5″ W*29.5″ H, Bench Size 38.5″ L*10.6″ W*18.5″ H.
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